It's Alexanders 4th B-day!
We are so happy he has made it this far. Sadly he doesn't share our happiness. Alex has lost his favorite toy..his teddy bear. He started crying for his loss. We didn't want him to be sad the day of his birthday, so we made up a story. Stephanie told Alexander that his teddy bear, Margarito, went on a one-day vacation. That night, we left little Alex with his grandmother, and we looked for the same teddy bear at Toys 'R Us. The next day Alex woke up and found "Margarito" besides him. He bought our harmless lie.
We are so happy he has made it this far. Sadly he doesn't share our happiness. Alex has lost his favorite toy..his teddy bear. He started crying for his loss. We didn't want him to be sad the day of his birthday, so we made up a story. Stephanie told Alexander that his teddy bear, Margarito, went on a one-day vacation. That night, we left little Alex with his grandmother, and we looked for the same teddy bear at Toys 'R Us. The next day Alex woke up and found "Margarito" besides him. He bought our harmless lie.
Next week, Alex will be starting school. He will be assisting the E.I.S. We plan on being authoritative parents. We will demand good grades and exert rules, but we will explain why we place certain rules. Hopefully we will raise him correctly..
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